About Me

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My name is Crystal and I decided to do a blog to talk about my struggle with Lyme Disease, what helped and didn't help, and to share how important it is what we put into our bodies. I just recently updated new information. Through my 3+ year illness I learned so many things that I would love to share with you! I found a good fit for me was an 80% raw diet, gluten free, and detox, detox along with treatments. I want to see you feeling good and living your true potential so you can live your dreams! Disclaimer: I am not a medical doctor. The information on this blog is based on research, conversations with others in the health industry,and my own personal experiences. If your seeking a formal medical diagnosis, or contemplating any major dietary change, I suggest you speak with a health care provider.


Definition of a SuperFood

A superfood is a food that is rich in Vitamins, Antioxidants, Minerals, Phytochemicals and Co-Factors. They usually have all these components in large amounts compared to the size of the food they encompass. Look at wheatgrass as an example.

The SuperFood List

1. Wheat Grass

This is a great super food. It not only contains chlorophyll (nature’s top health promoting nutrient) but 20 amino acids, hundreds of different enzymes not found in other foods, and claims are made that it contains as many as 90 out of 102 possible minerals, vitamins and other important nutrients. Wheat grass shots all the way around!

2. Kefir Grains

Kefir could be classed in the fermented food section but I think it deserves its place on its own. Kefir is a fermented milk drink that contains a bunch of Probiotics. Otherwise known as Healthy Bacteria. It helps with digestion and a raft of other things. A tip when making it is to make sure you use organic raw milk as using heat treated milk can destroy many of the good properties. See more about Kefir Grains Here.

3. Cacao

Yes, cacao is the base of chocolate. Although controversial, many find raw chocolate a superfood. It's rich in antioxidants and magnesium. It is in my opinion the food with the highest antioxidant count around of any food. And as long as your healthy and use it sensibly it's a super, tasty addition to your recipes. Listen to David Wolfe. In his video he discloses the secrets of raw chocolate and why he believes it's good to eat a lot of it. It is also great in smoothies with some coconut syrup (natural Sweetener).

4. Seaweed

Maybe this is a reason a lot of people in Asian cultures live forever! Seaweed has been promoted for weight loss (as it stimulates the thyroid), in boosting the immune system, lowering blood sugar and cholesterol, increasing gastro-intestinal tract functions, and for decreasing the symptoms of  joint pains.

5. Acai Berry

The most famous of superfoods the Acai Berry seems to be talked about everywhere. The Famed berry from South America promotes circulation, and provides a burst of energy through its nutritional properties. Just watch out these days as in the processed form they do lose some of there kick.

6. Goji Berry

This berry from regions around China has been used for 100′s if not 1000′s of years. Excellent source of vitamin C and soluble fiber. They have more amino acids than bee pollen, more beta carotene than carrots, more iron than spinach and 21 trace minerals. Goji berries contain 13% protein! It has been used to treat eye problems, skin rashes, allergies, insomnia, liver disease, diabetes, cervical cancer, to lower blood pressure and cholesterol, and improve sexual function(Ladies:)). Powerful anti-fungal and anti-bacterial food. This berry is great in Drinks and in Nutritional Bars.

7. Flax Seeds

In weight loss and day to day life you need Omega 3. Flax Seeds give you this. Pop them through a grinder and on your salad or use the oil in a dressing this is one of the top sources for daily consumption. As unless you are supplementing or an Eskimo living on raw fish you are probably deficient in Omega 3.

8. Fermented Foods

Kim-chi, Sauerkraut and apple cider vinegar are some of the better fermented foods. The biggest plus is that they help with digestion which is one of the top functions the body needs. As this is where it extracts Minerals. As if your body can extract 80% of nutrients as apposed to 40% you are always going to be doing well!

9. Dark Green Foods

Spinach, Broccoli, Kale all spring to mind. They are filled with minerals but make sure you go Organic. To many growers are not taking care of the soil so the vegetables can be deficient of minerals they are loved for. Organic is the way to go here.

10. Nuts

These include Brazil Nuts(high in selenium), Walnuts and Almonds but there are many more that will help you to better health. Remember though you need to make sure they are Unsalted and Unroasted and should be in raw form. Organic if possible to get the true effects. Later in my posts I will look at how to milk an almond. Yes I said milk. It is a great process to create a non animal milk which tastes amazing.

11. Maca 

Maca is a radish like fruit that grows in Peru. It's one of the top 5 super foods enjoyed by raw foodists. It's extraordinary rich in nutrients: 10% protein, 60% carbohydrate and full of fatty acids, phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals trace. Maca is famous for it's amazing health benefits and used to boost energy, strength, libido,sexual function, and fertility in both men and women. It's a natural viagra with no side effects and it's said to relieve symptoms of menopause within days. The peruvian root works gradually, not instantly. Eat continually for full benefits. For best results look for organic, raw maca powder. Maca balances bodies symptoms. It will raise low blood pressure and lower high blood pressure as needed. Maca boosts immunity and harmonizes bodies overall vitality.

12. Bee Pollen

Bee pollen contain more than 96 different nutrients, including every single nutrient that you need to live. It's made up of 40% protein. It's a natural energizer, slows down the aging process, and lowers cholesterol levels. This superfood reliefs discomfort from PMS, prevents prostate problems, improves sperm count, boosts the immune system, and detoxifies your body. It alleviates allergies, improves endurance, strength and mental clarity. It promotes weight loss: the rate at which your body burns fat and it reduces cravings. It regulates your mood and helps control stress in your life.

13. Hemp Seed

Hemp is one of the purest, most complete plants on earth. It has the perfect balance of omega 3 and 6 for sustainable human health. This makes raw hemp seeds incredibly strong against cancer. It might be the single best food to prevent it. It's a high quality, complete raw food protein and has a massive trace mineral content. It's the only seed that doesn't need to be germinated before eating: it has no enzyme exhibitors. Therefore it's easy to absorb.

14. Pau d' Arco

Pau d' Arco bark contains intrinsic chemical factors that fight fungus and mold, even in some of the wettest environments on earth. This was likely how and why indigenous people started using the bark medicinally to fight fungal conditions.

15. Spirilina

Contains 60% protein, as well as phytonutrients such as beta-carotene, chlorophyll, GLA essential fatty acid, B-12, and iron.

16. Chia Seeds

Contains calcium, slows down the conversion of carbohydrates into sugar, and prolongs hydration. High energy and endurance food. Lots of athletes and runners use this before competitions.