About Me

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My name is Crystal and I decided to do a blog to talk about my struggle with Lyme Disease, what helped and didn't help, and to share how important it is what we put into our bodies. I just recently updated new information. Through my 3+ year illness I learned so many things that I would love to share with you! I found a good fit for me was an 80% raw diet, gluten free, and detox, detox along with treatments. I want to see you feeling good and living your true potential so you can live your dreams! Disclaimer: I am not a medical doctor. The information on this blog is based on research, conversations with others in the health industry,and my own personal experiences. If your seeking a formal medical diagnosis, or contemplating any major dietary change, I suggest you speak with a health care provider.


My Story

Hello Everyone! Just wanted to share something that is deep and personal to all my friends and fans. The last 4 years has been a journey. And some of the toughest years of my life. I was diagnosed with having Lyme Disease. Lyme Disease for those of you who don’t know is a disease spread by the bite of a tick or other blood-sucking insect like a mosquito, or sexually.  Lyme Disease is one of the most misdiagnosed and mis-treated diseases in the world. And as in my case went misdiagnosed for almost a year before I knew I even had it to begin treating it. And as I learned it was not easy and a guessing game to many doctors and Lyme specialists. The reason I first new something was wrong- I experienced chronic fatigue, pain in my stomach, and my organs started failing. I was told my gallbladder needed to come out and they didn’t even know why- it just wasn’t working. Deep down I knew that it didn’t make sense so I ate a strict diet to save my gallbladder and stop the attacks I was having. It stopped the attacks but still felt a dull pain and more symptoms started to happen. My heart was racing for no reason off and on and my legs would ache and throb with pain so bad I was bed-ridden for months. The doctors were guessing, maybe it was fibromyalsia, MS, ect. After a few emergency visits for fear of blood clots in my legs, I was exhausted. I just wanted to know what was wrong with me! Meanwhile my mom was at her weekly bible study group at her church and was telling them about my symptoms and they were praying for me and afterwards a woman in the group pulled my mom aside and said your daughter’s symptoms sound a lot like Lyme Disease. She should get tested and see. So sure enough I got tested and I was positive for Lyme Disease. After the diagnosis I was relieved to know what it was but didn’t know the nightmare I had stepped into. My doctor put me on antibiotics, a new one each month for 5 months. But I believed in Alternative Medicine and knew that I didn’t want to be on antibiotics for years like most Lyme patients end up doing. So I was using a Rife Machine, treating myself weekly at home along with my kitchen cuboard  and counter full of vitamins, supplements, and herbs. When someone has had Lyme Disease for months or years before detection it goes into a chronic lyme state. This is harder to cure and it takes a combination of detoxing, eating more of a raw food diet, cleansing, and putting vitamins and minerals back into your body that your being drained of. I was doing all these things and meanwhile not giving up hope. My music is what kept me going, even when I couldn’t walk. I prayed that God would heal me every day and he was my comfort. I was showing little progress and a friend introduced me to her doctor who said he could treat me with laser technology to get rid of the Lyme bacteria. By the way their are many kinds of lasers so make sure it is a cold laser and the doctor or technician knows how to kill bacteria and organisms with the laser. Some only use laser for pain management. At this point I had tried everything else! After a few sessions he said the lyme disease was gone and he was just helping me with my immune system to build it up. I went to my other doctor to test for Lyme Disease and their was no trace of the bacteria. The Lyme Disease was gone at least for awhile. I was feeling good then months later started feeling bad again. Not as bad as before but I could tell something was up. I found a specialist named tamara from Internal Balance in Brentwood TN who does DNA of the blood testing. She saw the Lyme organisms and a parasite called Babesia that was missed before by doing DNA blood work. I treated the parasite with Azithromycin and Mepron and Crypto-Plus for 4 months and detoxing liver. After treatment got tested and parasite and lyme bacteria were all gone. It is possible to get rid of Lyme once and for all.  I was thanking God for putting it all together and it made perfect sense why I wasn’t healed right away. If I would have been healed right away I would not have learned so much about health, changed my eating, and found out all this valuable information.  I would not be able to help others by sharing about the alternative treatment of Lyme through laser therapy and then DNA Blood testing to help others who are suffering. Last, but not least, my husband and I wouldn’t have written and created the most amazing songs during these hard times. So for anyone going through a difficult time, whether an illness, disease, depression, finances. Don’t give up hope. Pray and speak healing and blessing on your life and never, never, give up hope. It’s also been on my heart to write a book to share my story and healing of Lyme Disease, so I have started that as well.
 Disclaimer: This information was from my personal experience and I do not claim to be a doctor, or health practitioner.  Thanks for coming to my blog.
To Your Health,

What is Lyme Disease?

Lyme Disease is an infection caused by Borrelia burgdorferi, a bacteria called a spirochete that is carried by deer ticks. If a tick is infected it can transmit the spirochete to humans and animals it bites. If it's untreated(which is normally the case), the bacteria travel through the bloodstream, make home in various body tissues, joints, and effect the nervous system. This causes a number of symptoms, some which are very severe. If caught in the early stages a dose of antibiotics should cure it. But if it is in the later stages it goes into a chronic Lyme state and is harder to treat.

How is Lyme Disease spread?

 Lyme Disease is spread by through the bite of a tick or any other blood-sucking insect(mosquito). But a very small percentage is actually contracted by a tic bite the way conventional medicine thinks. It is now in medical literature and talked about by Lyme specialists that it is spread sexually also. And some even think by saliva it can be passed. My practitioner who treated me said that she has even seen little kids getting Lyme from vaccinations. She claims this is why there are so many more Lyme cases. Scary!

How do I test to see if I have Lyme Disease?

1. There is only one blood test that accurately shows the Lyme organisms. This test is called the Western Blot test. It is the most accurate today but is still known to say negative when it is really positive. If you have all the symptoms test again and even if 1 band shows positive you have Lyme. Some doctors say there has to be more than one band positive but in my case and many others I only had one band and I verified it with a second test I will share with you in the next paragraph.

2.  The best way I have found out later on is through testing with the DNA of the blood. I found a place in Brentwood TN called Internal Balance. Tamara is doing amazing things there with lyme patients, ect. She can test for bacteria, parasites, and more. Especially good for finding co-infections with Lyme which can be overlooked by regular blood work.

3. Another way to test I found out later and is much more affordable than the $350.00+ blood test is Biofeedback Testing(around $ 150.00 hour session). This device is a biofeedback multimedia system and scans your body for frequencies and then the practitioner reads all the parasites, bacterias, and virus's in your body. At first I was skeptical but this technology is amazing and accurate. I was able to monitor my progress and eventually see the bacteria not even found or coming up in my system. The practitioner is able to treat as well with frequencies to get rid of things that came up on your report. I will talk more about this later in Treatments. The only bad thing about this is it pulls up every single parasite, bacteria and so on, so just remember that everyone has a certain amount that are healthy but just focus on the ones that are compromising your immune system. You will be doing cleansing, cleansing, cleansing also to help with overload of organisms.

What are Lyme Symptoms?

Most common are:

1. The number one symptom is chronic fatigue. You can see how this can be overlooked! But not long after you will start to notice an array of things going wrong.

2. You may feel numbness in your face or jaw or a tingling sensation in your hands and feet like going asleep. Bells Palsy.

3.  Arthritis, swelling of joints. You may feel joint pain in upper arm or shoulder, legs, behind knees, in lower back and neck pain.

4. Rash on some part of the body(could be from tick bite), but if you got bit it usually looks like a bulls eye rash.

5.  Headaches

6. Cardiac Abnormalities

7. Cognitive and mental disorders ( worry, panic, fear, memory loss, confusion)

8. Could have a failing organ like your gallbladder or appendix.

How do I treat Lyme Disease?

There are so many different ways doctors are treating Lyme Disease and most of the time it's a combination of many different things.

1. Antibiotics are the most common way to treat Lyme. But in my opinion makes it worse if on for long periods of time. I myself believe they are useful in the beginning stages if caught early but in chronic Lyme situations it usually makes it worse.

I was on antibiotics for 5 months and knew I had to get off. It was not helping me anymore. I turned to Laser technology.  It was gone, for awhile.  I was feeling better then months later started to feel tired. Got tested and saw lyme organisms were back. (Or should I say were hiding in a cyst form or hiding from frequencies and were never gone. My missing link was found by Tamara at Internal Balance in TN. She saw the Lyme organisms and a parasite called Babesia that was missed before by doing DNA blood work. I treated the parasite with Azithromycin and Mepron and Crypto-Plus for 4 months and detoxing liver. After treatment got tested and parasite and lyme bacteria were all gone. It is possible to get rid of Lyme once and for all.

2.  DNA Blood Testing -  I just recently found this to be the most accurate way to diagnose and find the right treatment to get rid of Lyme for good. Recommend Tamara at Internal Balance Brentwood TN.

2. Laser Technology (cold lasers) -   Find a doctor or QRA Specialist who knows how to use a laser to kill bacteria, and parasites. If you are searching for one please message me so I can refer you. I do believe laser can work and makes your symptoms go away. But for some people like me, It didn't last. But I know others where it has not come back. I would see Claudia in California at O.C. Brain and Body Health Care Center. She is the best at laser I have found because she uses a combination to treat.

3. Rife Machine - Have seen people with Lyme get better with this but don't know if it gets rid of it permanetely or if it goes into submission. Most people keep treating with Rife even after they feel better to make sure it doesn't come back. I would much rather have the laser zap it and it's gone forever! But some have had no more symptoms. Be careful when using and back off if you feel to much herxheimer reactions or buzzing.

4. Biofeedback Machine -  Frequency testing and treating. Been known to treat in 3-6 months when used with colloidal silver, ozone machine, and The Zapper ( a device that kills organisms and helps so you don't get new parasites). These three things are good for beefing up your immune system, especially after the Lyme is gone. Your immune system is weak and you are more susceptible to getting infections and bacterias. You can use for few months up to a year then stop.

5. Hyperbaric Chambers have also been known to help in treating Lyme Disease. I had not tried it but have talked to some other people with Lyme and some it worked and others little improvement. So I think everyone is different in what might work for you.

There are many alternatives to antibiotics and it is usually a combination of things to treat. But the right combination is worth finding! Instead of being on antibiotics for years like some sadly end up having to do.

With any of the above I would also recommend cleansing and detoxing with herbs, especially heavy metal detox( for some reason the lyme bacteria thrive off of metals also). Eating more of a raw diet with protein. NO SUGAR cause it feeds the bacteria. Watch eating meats, they should be organic grass fed if possible. You don't want more bacteria or parasites from your meat when your trying to clean house. Drink good water. And take supplements especially vit C , magnesium, and vit D. It seems that most lyme patients are low in Magnesium and vit C and Sea Salt is a formula that helps get rid of the bacteria.
Some good herbs and supplements for Lyme are:(consult your doctor first)
1. Burbur- helps with herxheimer reactions
2. Cumanda- helps nervous system and forgetfulness, anti-fungal, viral, parasitic
3. Samento- helps with symptoms
4. Chlorella- binds mercury
5. Probiotics- good bacteria to fight bad
6. Magnesium Malate- release toxic emotions
7. Bromelain
8. Digestive Enzymes
9. Vitamin C (powder 5000 mg is best)
10. Sea Salt
11. Kidney Complex- Premier Research Labs- helps support kidneys while detoxing
12. Vit B
13. Vit D
14. wormwood- gets rid of parasites
15. FYI- Garden of Life- joint and tissue food
16. RM-10- Garden of Life- Immune system food

I recommend these companies for herbs and supplements.                                                                         Premier Research Labs www.pureformulas.com/premier-research-labs.html                                          Garden Of Life www.gardenoflife.com/
Nutramedix www.nutramedix.com

Can also shop at these recommended health food stores for food and products.

Naturally Yours Grocery - www.naturallyyoursgrocery.com

Mothers Market - www.mothersmarket.com/shop

Trader Joe's - www.traderjoes.com/

Please don't hesitate to message me with your questions!