About Me

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My name is Crystal and I decided to do a blog to talk about my struggle with Lyme Disease, what helped and didn't help, and to share how important it is what we put into our bodies. I just recently updated new information. Through my 3+ year illness I learned so many things that I would love to share with you! I found a good fit for me was an 80% raw diet, gluten free, and detox, detox along with treatments. I want to see you feeling good and living your true potential so you can live your dreams! Disclaimer: I am not a medical doctor. The information on this blog is based on research, conversations with others in the health industry,and my own personal experiences. If your seeking a formal medical diagnosis, or contemplating any major dietary change, I suggest you speak with a health care provider.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Calling All Coffee Drinkers!

This is for everyone who has to have a cup of Joe every now and then! The best thing to do health wise is to make your own coffee at home and resist Starbucks!! I know it's hard but so much healthier! You can use your own organic coffee without the use of harmful chemical fertilizers and pesticides. A brand I love is Cafe Altura regular roast that you can pick up at your local health food store. And in the summer of course the iced coffees and blended is the way to go! But when you go to coffee houses they will only give you syrup flavors with sugar and artificial sweetners' that are actually worse than sugar for your health. And if you're lactose intolerant you don't have many choices. So why not make your own iced coffees at home with organic coffee and sweeten with Agave Nectar, Brown Rice Syrup, Coconut Syrup or Stevia. These sweeteners are low Glycemic and taste better than sugar!
I put handful of ice in the blender then poured coffee in with some almond milk and Organic Raw Blue Agave. Blend and pour in cup and top with more ice. You can sprinkle cinnamon or put chi tea bag in for chi coffee! I made this the other day and I can say it was better than Starbucks which is hard to do!

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